The aim of the study is the improvement of treat-ment technology of potato tubers from soil impurities due to optimal combination of complex structural, technological and justification of regime parameters of functioning of installation with use of computer modeling and the specifying experiments. In the study the technique and results of researches on modeling and forecasting of change of indicators of the work of installation and the definition of its theo-retical and practically admissible optimum character-izing effective cleaning of potatoes are described. Patented installation on dry cleaning of potatoes of soil pollution allows choosing optimum of indicators of its functioning corresponding to the type of loaded raw materials due to design features and flexible reg-ulation of the modes of operation to increase produc-tion and power efficiency of technology. Complex researches allowed revealing the main regularities of technological processes while using this installation, to define theoretical and to prove a practical optimum on the generalized indicator characterizing effective cleaning of potatoes.
constructive and technological indica-tors, regime parameters, installation on cleaning po-tatoes from impurities, simulation and optimization, generalized criterion of efficiency
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