In the study the analysis of foreign experience of making and realization of organic production of agri-culture, including mechanisms of state support is car-ried out. The main stages of history of development of organic agriculture in foreign countries are given. Basic provisions of agricultural regulations of the Eu-ropean Union about organic agriculture and the cor-responding marking of agricultural production and food (No. 2092/91 and 834/2007g are considered.). The majority of the countries legislatively enter the terminology of organic products, for example the Min-istry of Agriculture of the USA defined three catego-ries: 100 % organic product; organic product; the product made from organic ingredients. It is noted that the legislation in the field of organic agriculture of developed countries (the USA, Canada, Japan, Aus-tralia, etc.) in general is identical to European. The share of the lands occupied in the sector of organic production in the world is small, but the tendency of increasing in production has been observed in recent years. Special activity is shown by developing coun-tries counting on the increase in export of ecological production to other countries. They enter national laws conforming to the requirements of the countries of the world leaders of the market of organic produc-tion. The main market of organic production is con-centrated in the developed countries of North Ameri-ca and Europe of which 97 % of all world sales are the share. The analysis of foreign experience of pro-duction and realization of organic production of agri-culture revealed the need of development of produc-tion criteria and control systems of quality of organic production according to the General agricultural poli-cy (Common Agricultural Policy).
organic agriculture, production, Euro-pean Union, foreign countries, market, food, ecology
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