Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the most effective ways of increasing labor productivity in agriculture is using exact agriculture assuming using satellite radio navigational systems for traffic control by wheel farm vehicles. Their use allows providing labor move-ment of farm vehicles on the set trajectory without participa-tion of the driver with high precision. It allows reducing passa-ble way, thereby to cut fuel consumption, to increase the qual-ity of performed field works, and also to reduce psychomotor costs of machine operator of management. At Altai State Technical University the work on creation of control system of the movement which is not conceding according to the char-acteristics to import systems and having more acceptable cost for agricultural producers is carried out. An important task thus is the development of algorithm of management and its software and hardware realization. The algorithm of man-agement conditionally breaks into two modules, i.e. local and global regulation. The check of operability of algorithms of management is carried out experimentally. Field tests are connected with considerable financial and time expenditure. Therefore the check of operability of electromechanical con-trol system and developed algorithms in laboratory with use of mathematical modeling in real time is represented expedient. At this approach the most part of mechanical system, except for studied knot, is described by mechanical and mathemati-cal model in the form of differential equations. The stages of receiving mathematical model of the movement of wheel car on the basis of differential equations of the movement in the horizontal plane are presented in the study. Mathematical modeling of standard maneuvers in Matlab package was carried out. The analysis of received results confirmed ade-quacy to the developed model to the real wheel car that al-lows using it for simulation of the movement of wheel car in real time and development of algorithm of management with use of the theory of automatic control.

Matlab, exact precision farming, motion control sys-tem, wheeled machinery, kinematic equations, wheel slip angle, differential equations of the movement, mathematical model, Matlab
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