The research objective was to define the content of vita-mins B in fresh and dried pumpkin. The research problems were to establish the content of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins B in fresh and dried pumpkin. As the object of the research Gribovsky winter pumpkin in fresh and dried form was chosen Chopped pumpkin was placed in vacuum cham-ber and dried for 8 hours at the temperature of the chamber walls 50-60 0С and steam temperature of 40-50 0С. The pressure in the chamber was between 45 and 50 kPa. The analysis of vitamin content in fresh pumpkin showed that in the pumpkin the content of vitamin C was 755 mg/100 g, of vitamin B1 - 25.0 mg/100 g. There were the lowest levels of vitamin B6 0.57 mg/100 g. The smallest content of B6 vitamin was 0.57 mg / 100 g. In dried pumpkin vitamin C was missing. The greatest content of B2 vitamin was 17.5 mg / 100. The smallest content of B6 vitamin was 0.45 mg / 100. The mass fraction of water-soluble carbohydrates was defined. The maintenance of toxic elements, such as cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead was established. They were in fresh pumpkin within the standard, and in dried pumpkin their content was not revealed. As the result of the researches it was revealed that in this way of drying the content of vitamin A decreased from 0.27 mg up to 0.19 mg fresher in dried pumpkin. The content of vitamin B1 decreased from 41 mg in fresh to 9.0 mg in dried pumpkin. The content of vitamin B2 decreased from 25 mg in fresh to 17.5 mg in dried pumpkin. The content of vitamin B6 decreased from 0.57 mg in fresh to 0.45 mg in dried pumpkin. The content of vitamin E decreased from 6.7 mg in fresh to 4.6 mg in dried pumpkin.
pumpkin, vacuum drying, quality indicators, vitamins, healthy nutrition
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