The research objective was receiving dry mashed potatoes with an additive on the basis of soy and laminaria. The research problems were the justification of the choice of an additive on the basis of soy and laminaria; the development of the compounding and technology of food concentrate "Mashed potatoes with soy laminaria proteinaceous and vitamin concentrate (PVC") increased nutrition and biological value; the re-search of physical and chemical and organoleptic indi-cators; comparative assessment of nutrition and biologi-cal value of analog and developed foodstuff. As a result of the research the production technology of new en-riched product in the form of the concentrate with high nutrition and biological value was developed, the com-pounding of dry mashed potatoes with soy laminaria (PVC) was received; the assessment of the quality of the product was given. By means of definition of chemi-cal composition, nutrition and biological value, and also the quality assessment on organoleptic indicators the expediency of making this product is proved. As a result of the research it was established that the replacement of 15.8 % of potato flakes by PVC led to the increasing nutrition and biological value of ready-made product due to the increase of protein content for 41.6 % (3 g), fat - on 1.4 g, food fibers - on 1.0 g (at decrease in total car-bohydrates by 6.7 g), vitamin E - on 1.0 mg, mineral substances - on 0.9 g, including potassium - on 243 mg, phosphorus - on 98, magnesium - on 57, calcium - on 55 mg in 100 g of food concentrate. The assessment of the balance of amino-acid composition of protein of developed product allows making the conclusion about increasing its biological value concerning the analogue.
food concentrate, mashed potatoes, proteinaceous and vitamin concentrate, compounding, technology, chemical composition, organoleptic indica-tors, amino-acid structure, pischevoy koncentrat, kar-tofel'noe pyure, belkovo-vitaminnyy koncen-trat, receptura, tehnologiya, himicheskiy sostav, organolepticheskie pokazateli, aminokislotnyy sostav
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