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Abstract (English):
The study is devoted to the research of vacuum drying processes of wild leek. While making the experiments the duration vacuum drying of wild leek at the temperatures under the chamber of 30, 40, and 50 ° C made 430, 360 and 280 minutes, respectively. At the temperature in the chamber of 30 ° C, the maximum rate of moisture removal was observed after 150-210 minutes after the start of drying process and made 20-23%/hour. At the temperature in the chamber of 40 and 50 ° C the maximum speed was observed after 150 and 130 minutes and was 26 and 34 %/hour, respectively. The effect of vacuum drying on physical and chemical composition of wild leek was analyzed. During dehydration the concentra- tion of solids increased relative to the absolute mass of the product, but due to thermal effects, the components were denatured and partially lost. It was found out that at the tem- perature of 50 ° C there was significant decrease in protein content compared to drying at the temperature of 40 ° C. When drying temperature rose, the acidity of the product de- creased and negatively affected the content of sugars and vitamin C. It was found out that irrespective of the tempera- ture in the chamber, drying process itself had very negative effect on vitamin C content. Technological scheme of dry leek powder production with vacuum dehydration application was presented. On the basis of conducted studies, the expediency of vacuum drying of wild leek at the temperature of 40° C was established.

ramson, vacuum drying, temperature
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