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Abstract (English):
The results of studying of expediency of using blood plasma modified by the way of enzymatic hydrolysis as a basis for production of whipped drinks are presented in the study. The conditions of receiving hydrolyzate of plasma of blood were for this purpose picked up, the composition of dry proteinaceous basis is offered; phys- ical and chemical and functional and technological properties, and also biological value of developed dry proteinaceous basis are studied. During the researches conducted on the basis of scientific laboratories of Stav- ropol SAU the efficiency of use for hydrolysis of proteins of plasma of such proteolytic enzymes, as megaterin, protosubtilin, collagenase and trypsin was estimated. Studying of influence of acidity of the environment andtemperature allowed to establish that optimum condi- tions for effect of enzymes of protosublitin, collagenase and megaterin are t = 37 °C and pH = 6,8-7,2, for tryp- sin - t = 50 °C and pH = 8,0. Thus the greatest com- pleteness of hydrolysis was shown by enzyme colla- genase, providing the destruction to 70 % of total pro- tein lasting process of 3.0-3.5 h and mass fraction of enzyme in system of 0.35 %. Received hydrolyzate was exposed to drying on the spraying dryer and was used for the development of dry basis for the preparation of cocktails. As auxiliary components fructose and ascor- bic acid were brought. Studying of qualitative character- istics of dry basis allowed establishing the existence of favorable physical and chemical and organoleptic char- acteristics. The assessment of amino-acid structure showed full value of protein of the product and its high biological value. Studying of functional and technologi- cal properties of solution of dry basis revealed high rates of foaming, frequency rate and stability of foam. Thus, the developed dry proteinaceous basis can be recommended for production of whipped cocktails en- riched with full-fledged animal protein.

blood plasma, enzymatic hydrolysis, col- lagenase, whipped cocktails, animal protein
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