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Abstract (English):
Currently lease non-residential premises (hereinafter LNP), special at-tention is paid not only in theory but also in practice. To study the rental contract in civil law there are two sets of obligations: the first group in-cludes the conditions governing the benefit obligations of the lessor, the se-cond - the main responsibilities of the tenant. There are specific require-ments for the content of the contract. A specific feature of the contract is that the responsibilities of one of the parties depend on certain actions of the oth-er party. The study discusses the rights and obligations of the parties in the classic version, as well as conducted practical analysis of the content of the contract. In this study proposals to the Supplement to the norms of the civil code in particular paragraph 1 of article 616 of the civil code, provisions on the burden of the costs of the overhaul are made. Thus, the study reflects the relevant aspects of the content of the contract lease of non-residential prem-ises. The problems of regulation of civil law are raised and the proposals of changing the rules of the civil code on the lease of non-residential premise are made.

rent, non-residential premises, rights and responsibilities
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