The motivation of the research is the necessity of studying the role of lo-cal food system in the solution of global problem of food security. In the study the methods of the analysis of current state of food markets are devel-oped. The set of coefficients for current monitoring and analyzing the condi-tion of the market of the food of the region is made: 1) the coefficients for the analysis of food security of the population of the region; 2) the coefficients for the analysis of interregional product change; 3) the coefficients for the analysis of the ratio of the prices of agricultural food production on the re-gions. The methods and techniques are approved for Krasnoyarsk Region. For the region current and new tendencies of supply and demand of the food in separate sectors are allocated (potatoes and vegetables, meat and milk, eggs and grain products). Modern problems and possibilities of their deci-sion are defined. Regional producers are capable of providing current con-sumption on potatoes, milk and egg. The deficiency of own production of meat and meat products, vegetables is observed. The deficit is covered due to import of the food from other regions. Key problems of the market are the decrease in solvent demand (1-1.5 % a year), the high level of counterfeit in the market (on milk products - 60-80 %, on meat products - 80-90 %), low share of the producer in final retail price (40-60 %). Presented results open opportunities for profound studying of the perspective directions in the food industry of the region. Prospects for the development of the agro-food mar-ket are to create organizational, economic and institutional conditions for stimulating local production, redistributing market forces in favor of the consumer and the food producer, ensuring the availability of quality and safe food for the population.
agricultural food market, food supply, region, agriculture
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