The features of functioning and sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding having strategically importance for increase of level of population provision with domestic production, especially in the conditions of sanctions are considered. Foreign experience of sustainable development of dairy cat- tle breeding is analysed. The tendency to increase milk production due to the increase of the cows efficiency with simultaneous reduction of unproductive livestock is outlined in developed countries. The growth of milk yield is due to the improvement of feeding and keeping, using genetic potential of effi- ciency. The analysis of productivity of animal husbandry in milk-producing countries in recent years has showed its growth for all producers, specifying its orientation to the intensification of production of dairy cattle, and it has paramount value, especially in the context of economic crisis predicted by the experts. It is defined that average annual consumption of milk and dairy products on 1 person in Russia is several times less, than in developed coun- tries of the West, and makes 72 % of the norm recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health - 236 kg. Three world manufacturing leaders of milk are represented by the EU, the USA and India. The analysis of financing of agrarian sector of western countries testifies that the main source of financ- ing of agriculture including dairy cattle breeding is the state which gives strong financial support to agricultural producers for sustainable develop- ment of dairy branch. The main measures of the state support of production of milk in foreign countries are listed. Foreign experience of price control to milk and control over their observance needs to be used and in Russia. It will promote further growth of sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding in our country.
sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding, average annual consumption of milk per capita, milk production, milk import, milk export, state regulation, state support
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