Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Due to adverse climatic conditions of Krasno-yarsk Region one of the greatest factors for solving the problem of intense and valuable grain and grain legume crops growing is the development of pro-tein-based complex varieties with high quantity and protein and proteinous quality in complex. The study of technological properties of grain and grain legume crops in selection has its features and is limited due to the impossibility of selection at early stages. To evaluate a large number of selecting material it’s essential to be limited to such tests not requiring spending much time, labor and grain. Technological evaluation and varieties of grain in the Krasnoyarsk Research and Development Insti-tute of Agriculture was conducted in the accord-ance with the national standards of the Russian Federation and ISO methods The studies of tech-nological properties of grain, using modern availa-ble techniques have led to the search for new methods to make preliminary forecast of high quali-ty wheat production. For the most complete ex-pression of the ability of the flour from this grain to give bread of this or that quality it is very important to have the model allowing estimating baking prop-erties of grain without using baking pastries. In the study mathematical method allowing estimating baking properties of grain without using baking pas-tries is offered. Generalized indicator of baking as-sessment is presented in the form of convolution of partial indicators of protein content, the hardness of flour, the time of fluidifying, valorimetrical evalua-tion, grain hardness and flour yield. The introduc-tion of econometric formulas allows to calculate the indicators of grain quality for the purpose of more objective assessment of prospects of selecting ma-terial and also to predict high quality grain produc-tion, grain and receiving leguminous crops.

spring wheat, baking properties, technological qualities of grain, modeling of fea-tures, regression model
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