The studies were conducted in the framework of joint re- search work with the scientists from Penza SAU at the De- partment "Processing of Agricultural Products" and the De- partment "Technology of Food Products", Unified research laboratory for determining the quality of food and agricultural products, Saratov SAU. For the development technologies for the production of candied fruit of high nutritional value 4 varie- ties of pumpkin were selected: Gitara, Stofuntovaya, Kustovaya zolotaya, Volga seraya. Chemical composition of experimental samples of pumpkin was investigated; various types of syrups on the basis of secondary raw materials of canning industry were picked up. The color of the pulp in the varieties Gitara and Volga seraya was bright orange, due to high content of carotene in these varieties. The mass fraction of protein in Kustovaya zolotaya variety was 2 times higher than in Gitara and Stofuntovaya varieties. The amount of total sugar in the varieties Gitara and Volga seraya exceeded 3-4 times the same figure in other varieties, so they taste differ- ent. According to the results of the tests, the total sugar con- tent was 2 times higher than the initial content in raw materi- als when cooking candied fruits on pekmez based on light grapes and 3 times higher when cooking on pekmez from redgrapes. Developed technology of candied fruits will expand the range of sugar confectionery products, make them availa- ble to all segments of the population, as the cost of these products is reduced and will allow rational use of secondary raw materials of canning industry, which is most often utilized.
candied fruit, pekmez, pumpkin, grape mash, condensation, carotene mass fraction, secondary raw materi-als of canning industry
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