One of complex problems in baking bread from gluten-free raw materials is the absence of gluten, which plays a major role in the formation of the vol- ume and structure of the crumb of the product. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the possi- bility of using natural builder of the crumb - fenu- greek seeds (Trigonellafoenum-graecum) and flax (Linumusitatissimum) in the recipes for gluten-free bakery products. The goals were the development of the formulation and technology of gluten-free small-piece bakery products, the assessment of theinfluence of natural structure-forming agents on organoleptic and physical and chemical character- istics of products and the evaluation of nutritional value of products. Standard methods for assessing quality indicator were used in the study. Basic reci- pe for gluten-free mixture was made from rice flour, buckwheat wholegrain flour, flax flour and mixture - “Jelly from Jerusalem artichoke on fructose” in the ratio of 33 %, 33 %, 22 % and 12 %, respectively. Nutritional value of such a mixture included protein16.4 %, fats 3.4 %, carbohydrates 54.7 % and die- tary fiber 12.1 %. As a control sample, the recipe without adding seeds (flax or fenugreek) was used. In experimental formulations, flax seeds were add- ed 5 % (experiment 1), fenugreek 5 % (experimentor a mixture of flax seeds and fenugreek (50/50%) in the amount of 5 % by the weight of flour (ex- periment 3). Adding 5 % of flax seeds, fenugreek or their combination to the control product improved organoleptic characteristics of finished products and crumb properties. Using 50/50 % of fenugreek and flax seeds provided not only structure for- mation, but also the reduction in fenugreek specific bitterness. Chemical composition of all products suggested considering them to be the sources of dietary fiber, 19-21 % of recommended daily intake in a portion of 60 g. According to the content of polyphenolic compounds, one bun weighing 60 g was 100 % of adequate consumption level. These results allow recommending all studied products for medical and biological testing as functional food.
gluten-free bakery products, flax seeds, fenugreek seeds, structure formers
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