The purpose of the study was to determine the best source of dietary fibers with antioxidant and anti-radical properties. The research problems were to carry out comparative analysis of chemical com- position (dietary fibers, the total content of phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanin), anti-radical and antioxi- dant activities of freeze drying fruit (FRAP, DPPH) as dietary fibers. Strawberry, raspberry, cherry, gooseberry, apple, plum of Samara Region were chosen as objects of comparison. In the course of research freeze drying fruit in the laboratory of Sa- mara State University with the help of the Vaco se- ries production Zirbus technology was received.Water-alcohol extracts of freeze drying fruit for an- tioxidant and anti-radical abilities were analyzed and the content of food fibers was also determined. The results of the experiments showed that the plum contained the greatest number of phenol compounds - 963 mg of gallic acid/100 g of initial raw materials and anthocyanin - 507 mg of cya- nide-3-glycozide/100 g of initial raw materials. Cherry possessed the greatest regenerative force by the method FRAP among sublimated fruit -17.28 mmol Fе2+/1 kg of initial raw materials and had the best index on antiradical activity on the method DPPH - 6.3, Ec mg/ml. In cherry also the greatest content of flavonoids - 318 mg catechin/100 g of feedstock was also observed. The largest content of dietary fibers among subli- mated fruit appeared in plum - 50 %. The worst indicator on the content of phenols in gooseberry was 781 gallic acid/100 g of initial raw materials, the content of flavonoids in raspberry made 189 mg catechin/100 g of feedstock. The smallest amount of dietary fibers was also observed in raspberries and made 43.2 %.
sublimation, fruit, dietary fibers, an- tioxidant activity, phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins
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