Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to give technological as-sessment of Moscato rosa and Moscato blanco wine materials for production of sweet dining rooms and li-queur wines. The research problems were to study physical and chemical indicators of Moscato rosa and Moscato blanco wine materials; to carry out organoleptic assessment of the studied wine materials. The wine materials developed in the conditions of Federal State Unitary Enterprise PAO Massandra (The Republic of Crimea, Yalta) from varietiess of Moscato rosa and Moscato blanco R2 (saplings of Viva Cooperatives Raushedo, Italy) for liqueur and table sweet wines were materials of research. . Mass concentrations of organic acids, carbohydrates and glycerol were determined by HPLC method. The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol was defined according to State Standard 32095-2013. Or-ganoleptic assessment of wine materials was carried out. As a result ofthe conducted researches it was es-tablished that on the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of studied wine materials conform to the requirements of the specifications and technical documentation. On mass concentration of organic acids and glycerin stud-ied wine materials correspond to indicators of reference samples. Sugar accumulation in the varieties of Moscato rosa and Moscato blanco R2 allowed to re-ceive sweet wine materials for table and liquor wines. The ratio of mass concentration glucose/fructose in wine materials for table wines made 0.5-0.6, in wine materials for liqueur wines - 0.8-0.9. Organoleptic evaluation showed that wine materials made from Moscato rosa and Moscato blanco R2 varieties were of high quality, they had varietal shades in flavor and taste. In general conducted research showed that wine materials devel-oped from varieties of Moscato rosa and Moscato blan-co R2 Viva Cooperatives Raushedo were high-quality and could be used for production of sweet table and liqueur wines.

sweet table wines, liqueur wines, wine materials, organic acids, sugar, glycerin, volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, organoleptic assessment
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