Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study presents the results of the research, conducted in the Laboratory of Processing Technology of Agricultural Products of FSBSI ARSRI of Soybean, on the use of second- ary raw material - okara, obtained as a result of soy milkproduction - as a recipe component in flour confectionery products. The possibility and advisability for the development of flour production technology based on soy okara are sub- stantiated in order to increase nutrition and biological value of flour confectionery. The technology for the production of flour from soy okara was developed; it includes the following oper- ations: pressing, granules formation, drying, disintegration and obtaining flour, package and packaging. It was estab- lished that new combination of properties of soy flour and products based on it could be obtained at two-stage dehydrat- ing transformation of soy okara composition. Optimal dose of flour based on soy okara (50 % of wheat flour weight), used as a recipe component in the preparation of biscuit cookies and scalded spice-cake, was determined. Comparative eval- uation of chemical composition of biscuit cookies and spice- cakes with the inclusion of flour from soy okara and similar products in their recipe, prepared according to traditional technology, was presented. It was revealed that the protein content in the test samples was higher by 61.7-73.1 % than in traditional analogues, dietary fibers - by 10.8-13.3 %, also satisfy the man’s daily physiological need in the content of vitamin E by 29.0 % that allows classifying them as functional products. The analysis of organoleptic indicators of finished products quality showed that spice-cakes and biscuit cookies with flour from soy okara were significantly superior in taste, smell and consistence to the presented analogues.

secondary soy raw material, okara, flour from soy okara, flour confectionery goods, technological process, chemical composition, food value
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