Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the definition of the influence of the way of thermal treatment of pump- kin on organoleptic and physical and chemical properties of cream soup. For the achievement of the goal the following problems were solved: to de- fine the fastest way of heat treatment of pumpkin for its full preparation; to investigate the influence of processing of pumpkin according to physical and chemical and organoleptic indicators. The objects of the researches were pumpkin variety samples Prikornevaya. At the first investigation phase the speed of preparation of pumpkin at different ways of preparation was determined. The following typesof thermal treatment were used: cooking at 90- 100° C; Microwave treatment at 1200 W; baking in frying case at 200° C. For receiving the most ho- mogeneous mass and enrichment by oxygen of cream soup used the blender with a power of 250Received pumpkin samples for cream soup were analyzed on physical and chemical and or- ganoleptic indicators. On the duration of prepara- tion of pumpkin the fastest method for catering es- tablishments was microwave processing at which all process took 4 minutes. To assess organoleptic indicators, rank method was used, the essence of which is static study of the connection between phenomena. Concordance coefficient equal to 0.04 was calculated that means the acceptability of all types of processing for receiving cream soup with acceptable characteristics of taste. Rank concord- ance coefficient is used for the identification and the assessment of narrowness of the connection between two rows of compared quantitative indices. All the samples of cream soups possessed pleas- ant taste and differed regardless of the ways of preparation a little. Therefore it is preferable to use faster way.

pumpkin, heat treatment, microwave treatment, soup-puree, rank method, concordance coefficient
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