Russian Federation
The purpose of the research was to study the possibility of using non-traditional raw materials (amaranth flour) in the production of sauces for public catering establishments. The tasks set for the substantiation of the replacement of wheat flour for amaranth in dishes (products) cooked at public cater- ing establishments and the development of recipes for dishes (products) using amaranth flour, determination of organoleptic and physical and chemical parameters of sauces; the deter- mination of biological value and vitamin and mineral composi- tion of sauce have been accomplished. The subjects of the research were milk sauce (sour cream, sour cream with toma- to) with wheat flour (control samples); milk sauce (sour cream, sour cream with tomato) with wheat and amaranth flour (50:50); milk sauce (sour cream, sour cream with toma- to) with amaranth flour. To determine the quality indicators of finished products, standard methods of the research were used: the method of organoleptic evaluation of the quality of public catering products; the mass fraction of solids was de- termined by drying method; mass fraction of fat - by extrac- tion-weighting method; the content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals was determined by calculation method. Accord- ing to the results of the study, the following conclusions were made: amaranth flour had high nutritional value, had no glu- ten, therefore, developed sauces could be used to feed the people sick with celiac disease and the people living healthy lifestyle. The studies have shown the possibility of replacing wheat flour of the highest grade in sour cream sauces, sour cream with tomato, milk. Resulting sauces had good organo- leptic indices, increased content of solids, vitamins, minerals, improved amino acid composition compared to control sam- ples.
amaranth flour, wheat flour, celiac disease, sour cream sauce, sour cream sauce with tomato, milk sauce, organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, vitamin and mineral composition, amino acid composition
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