Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was studying the possibility of us-ing broccoli cabbage in the meat of chopped semi-finished products (cutlet forcemeat). The research problems were to study chemical composition of the cabbage of broccoli; to develop the compounding of meat and cereal forcemeat (cut-lets); to carry out the assessment of the quality of meat and cereal cutlets. The definition of chemical composition of cab-bage of broccoli was carried out by the techniques according to biochemistry of plants. The definition of organoleptic indica-tors of the product was carried out according to State Stand-ard 9959; moisture definition State Standard 9793-74, fat - State Standard 23042, protein - State Standard 25011, car-bohydrates - State Standard 10574; preparation of tests - State Standard 26929. The researches of chemical composi-tion of cabbage of broccoli showed that it contained amounts of proteins 2,74; carbohydrates - 7,2 %. Technological pro-cess of receiving cutlets includes the following stages: prepa-ration of raw materials; drawing up forcemeat; formation of semi-finished products; storage and realization. For receiving meat and cereal forcemeat the pulp of pork and beef was cut on slices and passed via meat grinder, connected with bread wetted in water crushed by cabbage of broccoli, salt, spices were added, well mixed, passed for the second time via meat grinder and beaten out. Ready cutlet weight was portioned; the cutlets were formed, coated with breadcrumbs in crackers and frozen at the temperature minus 18 C, packed and put into package. The cabbage of broccoli was brought in cutlet forcemeat in the number of 5, 10 and 15 % instead of meat part. Organoleptic assessment of combined forcemeats was carried out as a result of tasting of received products in com-parison with control sample (without addition of cabbage of broccoli). Organoleptic indicators of finished product were defined. The best organoleptic indicators of cutlets were es-tablished at addition of 10 % of cabbage of broccoli in mince-meat. The compounding of meat chopped semi-finished products, i.e. cutlets with introduction of cabbage broccoli and schematic diagram of their receiving was developed. The structure of received cutlets was analyzed and their power value was determined. According to received results on the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in cutlets, they corre-sponded to standard indicators. The power value of devel-oped product made 230 kcal.

minced meat, broccoli, formulation, composition, energy value
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